Thank You for lessons that teach us how to respond to each situation in our lives, that will bless others and glorify You.
1) Nothing good comes from allowing bitterness or envy to creep into our lives.
2) Celebration is the only appropriate response to God at work.
3) There is much greater joy in choosing to praise God for what He’s doing in others instead of selfishly dwelling on what He’s not doing through us.
4) When we choose to celebrate other's blessings, it encourages those around us.
Help us find joy in every way we see You at work, whether it involves us or not. Let us not miss the blessing of simply seeing You at work.
I pray that everyone has a great day looking for opportunities for God to use us to affirm the work He is doing in the lives of others. Amen. 🌺
Inspired by Pamela Landers